PT-MT3 Magnetic Tablet for Hardness Tester Qualification

The PT-MT3 magnetic test tablet is used to qualify and calibrate hardness detection and force/speed increase rate for all Pharma Test tablet hardness testers as well as a number of other vendor's units. It provides a dynamic approach that regular certified weights cannot offer.
The USP currently requires a 3-point calibration with certified weights however with the PT-MT3 any testing range can be selected within the range of 10 to 500N. This allows for very precise and accurate calibration. Furthermore, the PT-MT3 can also test reproducibility of the load cell by easily measuing the load cell as many as 20 times.
- Qualify tablet break point detection, load cell linearity and force increase rate
- Works with all PharmaTest hardness testers and other vendors units
- Qualify constant speed increase as well as constant force increase modes